A well balanced tea that aids in lowering blood pressure.
Hibiscus- Packed with antioxidants. Reduces and regulates blood pressure. Contains vitamin C increasing health of glands, organs and protection against all diseases. An antibiotic.
Chamomile- Aids in regulating hypertension, high blood pressure and stress. Contains minerals iron, calcium and selenium promoting blood production, healthy bones and muscles and it is an antioxidant protecting against toxins.
Echinacea- High in antioxidants which aid against heart disease. Aids in treating common cold symptoms.
Catnip- Used to strengthen the immune system. Used to improve relaxation and reduce anxiety.
Tea herbs- thyme, sage
**SHIPPING** Tea is shipped separately from other items.
**Please consult your physcian if you are pregnant or feel that you may be allergic to the natural herbs listed. **